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New Year, Same Farmers, Same Farm

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Even though the secular New Year is a turning point for many, it is not much more than the demand to buy a new calendar here at Coyote Farm. As the poet Kaveh Akbar puts it, "it's been January for months in both directions". I couldn't describe the feeling around the farm better if I tried. After the big snow fall around Christmas, we've been a little slow getting back up to speed.

The garden is dormant, the chickens stay inside their coop, and the goats have their full winter fluff. It is hard for me not to also feel the way the farm feels right now; slow, tired, and cold. What has been getting me through is dreaming of the Dinner Club dishes that the farm will so effortlessly and beautifully produce once there is enough sun and warmth. Piles of ripe tomatoes on top of fresh goat cheese. Toasted sourdough with fresh eggs and crispy kale. Fresh pasta with lemony sorrel and cream. This is what dreams are made of, or mine anyway.

Even with the ground hard and cold, we are still stepping forward one small stride at a time. We have dug up the ground for our greenhouse and are itching to get it set up. We are in the process of testing our soil so that we can feed it all the good things it has been dreaming of before it makes all the beautiful things I have been dreaming of. We hope you all are staying warm and dry and also dreaming of sunny days. Here is a picture from the heavy snow fall we had, gorgeous and glowing in all her glory.

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